Register your garden

Registering your garden will enable us to track how well your garden is doing and add your efforts to those of your neighbors throughout the region.

Your Information

(If you are affiliated with a group that is part of the Rain Garden Alliance, select it.)

Garden Information

(This will appear on the publically viewable regional map; 8 character maximum)

Your garden's surface area (in square feet)
("Garden Size" number from the box in the calculator)

The amount of rainfall you can capture (in inches, i.e. 1.25)
("Rainfall" number from the slider in the calculator)

Your garden's capacity (in gallons)
("Rainfall Captured" number from the box in the calculator

If you haven't already, you can use our Calculator to calculate these numbers

Sharing your garden Information

Your name, e-mail address, and other personal data will not be displayed on the website or shared with anyone outside of Three Rivers Rain Garden Alliance. Once you are registered you can elect what level of information you wish to share, upload pictures, and connect with other Rain Garden Alliance Members. For more information, contact us at